
Sires  →  Durocs →  MY RIZZ


My Rizz

Waymaker x Welcome To The Show

Bred By: Beckett Warner & Nate Warner Livestock

  • We wanted to add a Duroc boar here at LVS that would be the “BREEDING RED BOAR”…The one that will make prolific and impactful females…That are “STRUCTURALLY” correct…”BOLD” in their rib shape…”ATTRACTIVE” in their design…”SQUARE” from blade to hip…And “UNIQUE” to the Red Breed…WE FOUND IT IN…MY RIZZ!!!
  • An exciting young boar purchase that we made this 2024 spring from Beckett Warner & Nate Warner Livestock!!!
  • MY RIZZ…Has all the right moves…from blade to pasterns and from hip to hock there is no incorrectness…He will fix a lot of the coarse jointed ones and the ones that get outside of themselves.
  • From the side MY RIZZ is as “FANCY” as you can make them…a “SLEEK” front-end…With a “LEVEL” top-line…And a “LONG” and “FLUID” hip…He is sure to make them stand out amongst the crowd.
  • From the front to the rear MY RIZZ is as “BALANCED” as you can be…With a “PRONOUNCED” jawline that carries into a…”WIDE” chest floor…That has a “EVEN” set to his knees and toes…And from his hip to his dewclaws he is ‘SQUARE” and “TRUE”…He will still maintain them with substance and width.
  • Breed to those ones that need a little fixing…to the ones that need a little attractive touch…to the ones that need more balance…and you will make progress in a hurry!!!
  • We want to thank the Warner Family for the opportunity to own both…WASSUP BRUH & MY RIZZ!!!